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School tuck shops moving to baked goods
Many Australian schools have made changes to their Cafeteria or Tuck Shop menus, in a push to encourage baked rather than fried..
Aussie burger with Mountain Harvest Foods’ sweet potato fries
Let’s talk burgers and sweet potato fries. There is simply no burger around that outdoes the Aussie burger – a juicy barbequed hamburger..
Potato cake or potato scallop – why one little word makes a big difference
A fried potato is delicious no matter the name. Am I right or am I right? Well, apparently many Australians would disagree. This..
Benefits of tempura batter
First and foremost, this post must be prefaced by saying that, contrary to common belief, fried foods are not always bad for you. There,..
Benefits of growing and manufacturing products
Historically, the idea of sustainable manufacturing was something that small niche markets used in order to claim their company as..
Our favourite potato recipe – Roast Potato Salad with Mixed Herbs
There are many different potato varieties grown in Australia. Each is unique in its dry content matter, as well as specific gravity. This..
5 Reasons Why Local Food Production is Essential
Locally sourced foods account for only 7% of fresh food in Australia’s food market[1]. That means that most of what we put on our plates..
Save Time when Entertaining in the Holiday Season
It’s that time of the year again when you can almost feel summer holidays in the air. Those hot afternoons playing backyard or beach..
Welcome to the new Mountain Harvest Foods’ website
Mountain Harvest Foods (MHF) provides the foodservice market exceptional quality products such as potato cakes, skin-on chips, seafood..
Potato Cake or Potato Scallop? Spud War Sets Twitter on Fire
Just as Americans call “soccer” what the rest of the world hails as “football,” and when residents in the Northern U.S. use “pail”..